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North East Hongkongers Club was founded in 2021 by a group of BNO Hongkongers, Non-BNO Hongkongers, British Citizens from all walks of life who are passionate about building a thriving Hong Kong community in North East England.

We are a Limited Company by guarantee without share capital use of 'Limited' exemption in England and Wales.The purposes for the establishment of North East Hongkongers Club are as follow: 

1. To provide support and assistance that enable new arrivals from Hong Kong to feel fully part of British society;

2. To provide financial assistance to Hongkongers and their dependants who are suffering financial hardship; and

3. To promote human rights in Hong Kong by monitoring abuses of human rights; relieving needs among the victims of human rights abuse; research into human rights issues; educating the public about human rights; raising awareness of human rights issues; promoting public support for human rights.



"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"

Vincent van Gogh

Revolution of Our Times - Official Trailer 《時代革命》預告片
Revolution of Our Times 時代革命

Revolution of Our Times - Official Trailer 《時代革命》預告片

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Revolution of Our Times - Official Trailer 《時代革命》預告片

BNO Visa: Hong Kong People Seek U.K. Citizenship Through New Visa System

Hong Kong Locals Leave Home For Britain as China Reshapes the City

Leaving Hong Kong: The young activists going into exile

Hong Kong: A family's journey to escape to the UK

Hong Kong billionaire's last interview as a free man - BBC News

China’s Rebel City: The Hong Kong Protests


17 Main Street


Newcastle Upon Tyne

NE20 9NH

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